Thursday, February 8, 2007

An Obituary

Do people die more than once in their life times? I think they do. So here's the obituary of a guy who died simply because he wanted to live again. Breathe unrestrained and feel the breeze on his face. He was no phoenix to rise from his ashes but all he really wanted was a new life. A second chance. A shot at living the way he always wanted to. Free from fear. Free from worry. Comfortably numb. The new one he believed would not worry about going down in history for something great. Atleast that wouldn't be the purpose of his life but just a serendipitous byproduct of his efforts. He would be a free man, living life on his own terms. Respect the vagaries of fate and live each day like it was the last one. But what made this possible you ask? No bolt of lightening, no sudden revelation, no dream. Just a spark of desire to live the life he once dreamt of. Destiny just fanned it into a self-consuming inferno. It was a painless death. Not that the new one would know anything about it, but just for the record. May the days of the new one be blessed.

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